Looking for a Microsoft Word course for beginners to experts? This online course has something for everyone, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons in Word.
- 62 lessons
- Create, save and share documents.
- Apply pre-designed Styles and format text with fonts and colors.
- Work with bullets, indents and line spacing.
- Insert pictures and screenshots.
- Set up page layout for margins, columns and printing.
- Create and update an automated Table of Contents.
- Mail merge to envelopes, labels, emails and form letters.
- Add comments, track changes and compare documents.
Whether you use Word for work, study or leisure, these tutorials will help you transform that blank page into a professional-looking document.
Once enrolled, our friendly support team is here to help with any course-related inquiries.
- Skill level: Beginner
- Lessons: 64
- Pre-requisites: None
- Video duration: 4h 42m
- Certificate: Yes
- Accredited by: CPD
- Versions supported:2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 365
- Estimated study time: 32h for all materials
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Accreditations & Approvals
All courses under each learning path are accredited and approved by one or more of the following bodies as is applicable.

All courses are taught by reputed trainers with relevant accreditations and industry experience.
The Ribbon and Word Screen
An overview of the Word opening screen and Ribbon functionality.
Quick Access Toolbar
Set up the vital buttons you use most to make your work easier.
Navigating the Page
Learn how to control where you type and how to navigate within the page.
Your First Document
Learn how to enter text and save your first document.
Formatting Fonts
Format text with colors and apply fonts.
Basic Letter Layout
Learn how to format a basic letter layout.
Basic Cut, Copy, Paste
Cut, copy and paste is an essential skill to help minimize re-typing text.
Styles Gallery
Learn how and why to apply predesigned Styles to text.
Format Text with Fonts and Colors
Learn how to apply bold, italic, underline and Drop Caps styles to text.
Format Painter
Quickly copy and paste “formats” with this amazing button.
Practice with the FONT Group
Learn to apply various font styles and why they are used in professional documents.
Basic Paragraph Formats
Paragraph format and alignment is important to proper document layout.
Fun and Functional Paragraph Formats
Apply background colors or borders to paragraphs.
Bullets and Numbering
Learn how to apply and control bullets and numbering.
Learn how and when to use specific indent types.
Line Spacing
Learn why you would want more space between the lines within paragraphs and how to apply the space.
The Find/Replace Function
Learn to quickly find a word or format and replace it with an alternative.
File, New
Explore the readily available document templates rather than creating a particular document from scratch.
File, Recent
Learn to quickly preserve files and easily access your most used documents.
File, Share
View the various ways to collaborate with others on a document.
File, Info and Security Considerations
Password Protect a file or Recover an unsaved version.
Document Views
Learn how and why to use the different available document views.
Navigation Pane
Learn how the Nav Pane assists with document management.
Show and Zoom Controls
How to quickly add the Navigation pane and quickly zoom in and out of the document.
Use Multiple Windows
Learn about using multiple windows to view the same or various documents side-by-side.
Inserting Page Breaks and Blank Pages
Quickly force a new page at the location you specify, and/or add a blank page as well.
Add a Cover Page
Pre-designed cover pages to give a professional look to your report.
Creating Tables
Tables provide a structure of columns and rows to help the user line up data, similar to a spreadsheet layout, but within a Word document.
Inserting Pictures and Clip Art
Learn how to apply and control picture sizes and placement.
Online Pics and 3D Models
How to find Online Pictures and add 3D Models that are rotating pictures.
Basic Use of Shapes
Learn to move and color shapes to draw attention to an area.
Learn how to capture a picture of your screen and use in a document.
Headers and Footers
Learn how to add Headers and Footers to a document.
Page Numbers and File Location Notes
Learn how to apply and control page numbers and insert file notes.
Word Art
Learn this creative text format often found on flyers, and a clever “rubber stamp” to use on documents.
A necessary and interesting toolset if using creative accents, symbols, or displaying mathematical formulas.
Learn how to set margins to standard or custom settings.
Paper Orientation and Size
Learn how to change paper size and orientation depending on the document type.
Using Columns
Learn to divide text into long columns to make the best use of paper.
Paragraph Spacing
Learn how to control spaces between paragraphs all at one time and adjust spacing as needed.
Explore the various options within the Print dialogue box.
Table of Contents
Learn to create an automated Table of Contents.
Update the Table of Contents
Learn how to update the Table of Contents when changes are a made to a document.
Mark Entry for Table of Contents
Learn to create an advanced level TOC using “Mark Entry”.
Learn to place footnotes and endnotes which link to the document text.
Citations and Bibliography
Learn to cite your sources for a college paper or report.
Using Captions
Learn to create and link captions to images and text.
Create an Index
Create an Index organized by topic or keyword.
Create and Apply a Style
Learn to format text and then capture it inside the Style Gallery for future use.
Rename, Modify and Remove Styles
After mastering styles, keep the Style Gallery tidy by editing or removing styles.
Reveal Formatting
Learn to use the Reveal Formatting pane to look beyond surface formatting.
Selection Tool and Format Pane
Learn to use this tool when working with graphics and styles.
Envelopes and Labels
Learn how to quickly produce a printed envelope or label for postal mail.
Mail Merge to Labels
Auto-populate a sheet of labels with text pulled from a list.
Mail Merge to Envelopes
Merge mailing lists to print directly onto envelopes.
Mail Merge to Form Letters
Auto-populate a form letter with various text pulled from a list.
Mail Merge to Emails
Merge Outlook Contact lists into emails so each recipient gets a personal email.
Mail Merge Tips from Experience
Learn tips for label margins and email merges.
Learn how to spellcheck, find a better word, or count the total words in a document.
Language and Translation
Translate an existing document or set the Word program to use a different language.
Learn to place notes in the margins of a document and control those notes.
Track Changes
Track changes will show which person made which changes in a document.
Compare Documents
Comparing documents takes two versions of a document and compares for changes.
Target Audience
- Graduates exploring placement in the Microsoft Office positions across industries
- Professionals needing upskilling to be future-ready or become more productive in their current roles
- Experienced individuals exploring Microsoft Word 2019 – Basic & Advanced
How do I Access The Program
- Buy the course online
- Save your payment transaction receipt for any future reference
- Our team will share the credentials to enable you access your course online within 2 business days of payment transfer
Bulk Orders
Incase you are looking for bulk user licenses, or customized Learning Paths for various Job Roles, reach out to us with your detailed requirements.
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